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Below we break down some of our most profitable trades, visualizing how clients anticipate our trade recommendations.

A Proven Track Record, Making Calm Out of Chaos

The MI2 Research Team has presciently called major moves in everything from inflation, bonds, the dollar, and equities.

It’s partly because of our wide lens and deep bench, providing insight across instruments (FX, equities, commodities, fixed income) and regions (Europe, Asia, the Americas).

Every trade has a deeply researched narrative that is stress-tested within the existing framework and models.

Our research team has decades of market experience through bull and bear markets so when the chaos comes, we help you navigate through it.

In particular, our clients have thanked us for our accurate calls on inflation. Here’s how we were ahead of consensus with some uncannily accurate predictions…

While inflation was the focus of our research in 2021, the spotlight shifted in 2022 to volatility, beginning with the piece “2022: Accelerative Oscillations”. Since then, we’ve continued to guide our clients through market fluctuations, creating calm out of chaos